Thursday, January 10, 2013

Poison Idea - Kings Of Punk [Portland Edition]

As if there could have been doubt in anyone's mind, this aptly titled record definitely solidified Poison Idea as the "Kings Of Punk".  They had started to incorporate more melody alongside their breakneck speed, which truly gave them a sound unmatched by others.

The album was released by Pushead's label, Pusmort, and as a nice bonus, there was a Portland Edition.  Here is a breakdown of the contents:


Two mailorder ads




Now here is where things get interesting.  A special Portland Edition poster was included, and over the years, I have always heard that there were 100 of these made.

Not included in the original package was this lyric booklet.  A note on the Portland Edition poster stated that, if desired, one could obtain the lyrics by writing to Jerry, and he would mail them this xeroxed booklet with the LP's lyrics.  I've heard an exceptionally wide range of numbers over the years that go anywhere from 35 to 75 copies of the lyric booklet got into circulation.
Below the lyric booklet cover is a mediafire link to a PDF file of the entire booklet.  I also watermarked the pages to prevent any bootleggers from potentially becoming millionaires (see what I did there?).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello, first of all. Great blog!

    Great post too...and thank you for the PDF..

    But i can tell you..The watermark on all the pages of the pdf ruin the whole thing. :D

    Cheers! :)

  3. any way you could re-up the booklet and the ad images?
